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2 tour packages to explore

Campania, Gateway to Southern Italy

The region of Campania is the gateway to the south and has been enjoyed as a vacation spot since ancient times. Campania is bordered on the north by Lazio and Molise, to the east by Puglia. and to the south by Basilicata. The west of Campania is bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea and the gulfs, bays, and rocky cliffs give the coastline some unbelievable vistas.

The Bay of Naples is dominated by the infamous volcano Vesuvius; on the slopes below lay the remains of its most famous victims: Pompeii and Herculaneum. While Vesuvius occasionally takes its share of victims, the rich volcanic soil of Campania allows fruit, vegetables and grain to thrive. In this respect, the people of Campania have benefited much more to Vesuvius than have suffered from it.

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